Sex selection before conception, boy or girl?

During the course of last century human thoughts about the gender inequality has been changed. In the past, families preferred to have a boy because they needed the work force. However the cultural changes and modern life has changed this traditional perspective in the developed countries While in the eastern societies, especially in communities with…

How to get pregnant faster

In this article we will try to explain some key way to increase the chances of pregnancy. The first well-known method of finding the best time for pregnancy is to follow the menstrual cycle in order to find out the exact time of ovulation. As it is known, ovaries of every adult woman release an…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Nowadays because of the fast growth of genetically modified food products, the infertility disorders has increased significantly. One of the most frequent type of infertility disorderĀ is Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This hormonal disorder has often a hereditary origin, which can be aggravated by environmental conditions. For example, inappropriate nutrition can exacerbate this disorder while reducing…

Worms in the baby stool !!!

  When should be the mothers worry? Nobody can exactly answer the question. But one can say, that the stool is always very important and the mothers should take this into the account. After six months when babies start to eat, the stool can be very different in comparison with stool of baby before eating…