Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Nowadays because of the fast growth of genetically modified food products, the infertility disorders has increased significantly. One of the most frequent type of infertility disorder is Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

This hormonal disorder has often a hereditary origin, which can be aggravated by environmental conditions. For example, inappropriate nutrition can exacerbate this disorder while reducing weight can in principle control this problem.

This hormonal disorder generally cause by infertility in childbearing age as well as some health problems such as heart disease and diabetes in after menopause.

The major symptoms of this disease is a lot of ovary cysts which can produce abnormally amount of testosterone (male hormone). Testosterone is indeed the main factor of male traits which can cause the increase of facial hair. It should be mentioned that one symptom like increase of facial hair can not prove the existence of this disorder. In other words, co-existence of several symptoms and proof of abnormality in hormonal tests (via clinical test) could be considered as the symptom of PCOS. On other hands, any positive test results on high level of testosterone does not correspond to the existence of this disorder. In some cases other underlying factors such as hypothyroidism have some similar symptoms to those of PCOS. In fact, the hypothyroidism increases the production of prolactin (Prolactin increases during breastfeeding and usually causes stop the ovulation). Sometimes the increase of prolactin stop the ovulation in the releasing follicle step. Consequently the small ovarian cysts produces the abnormal amount of testosterone.

Therefore, with appropriate diagnosis and timely treatment this disorder can be controlled simply by chemical drugs. Note that using prolactin-lowering drugs increase the likelihood of pregnancy because of the drug induced ovulation. The key point at this stage is appropriate contraception till the ensuring adequate control of hypothyroidism. Because thyroid hormone plays a critical role in embryonic development, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

In the next article, we will provide the key points and the mysteries of the natural treatment of this disorder.


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